Welcome to our Christianity Rediscovered Blog Site. We are diving deeply into Christianity’s foundations and their implications for our lives.

Christianity is unique because it is about a living relationship with Christ. This relationship is built on grace. We know that grace comes only through the sacrifice of the only Son of God. It is more than enough for God.

We have settled for a weak, cheap, and watered-down form of Christianity. In some ways, it is not authentic Christianity at all but a mere form of it.  This is not the natural face of the Church. Authentic Christianity lives in the power of God Almighty.

God has ordained that all believers who want to find His greatness in their lives will have it. We wrongly believe we need naturally gifted leaders who are highly disciplined and personally strong to accomplish God’s work on earth. I’m sorry, but that’s not God’s plan for His Church.

God wants to demonstrate His power and the power of the gospel in the lives of ordinary and broken, weak people who naturally lack these gifts. In this way, He demonstrates to the world that He alone is God. This glorifies the Father.

His requirements are for us to receive these things by grace alone, by believing in Christ’s sacrifice. His plan is for us to live daily in fellowship with Him, to be constantly filled with His love and power. He has already paid for all He wishes to give us with His blood.

Our approach to critical questions in the lives of Christians is very different than that commonly taken. But it is deeply grounded in Christ and Scripture. The implications are far-reaching and have a profound and revolutionary impact on marriage, family, career, recovery, mental health, politics, church life, and virtually every area of our lives.

Join me in exploring these issues.

(By the way, since we are brand new and on a new learning curve. Please be patient with any shortcomings in our website development)

A side view of the face of a roaring female lion
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He Makes Foolish the Wisdom of the World

Can I trust my own judgement? Am I adequate to search my own heart? Are we not able to effectively deceive ourselves by “suppressing the truth in unrighteousness?” (Romans 1:18, NASB).
Image by Ben Burton from Pixabay

Gaining Wisdom from an Unexpected Source; How to Prosper

Whatever you may think of Jeff Bezos, his wisdom in business has proven itself in his application of the principle of sowing and reaping. Without question, Jeff Bezos' personal life and attitude does not reflect particularly admirable qualities.…