How to Enter and Abide in Christ Daily

We know we are told by Jesus, in effect, that to accomplish God's work fully, all we must do is abide (continue, remain) in Christ. But how do we enter into that abiding?

If It’s by Faith and Faith comes by Hearing, then…

If it's by faith that we move mountains and faith only comes by hearing the word of Christ...then

You Can Live an Extraordinary Life

"He who eats My flesh and drinks My blood abides in Me and I in Him" (John 6:56).

Perhaps – (A Poem about Hate and Love)

Perhaps Perhaps you have hated me because of the faint odor of my wicked past, still lingering upon me. Or perhaps it is the memory echoing from your own. Of those that hurt you, and robbed you, and hated you in your innocence and even…
Image by Ben Burton from Pixabay
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The Secret to Overcoming is Hidden in Christ’s Death

The secret to overcoming anything is hidden in Christ's death and resurrection. That overcoming is available to us daily