Discovering the Way of Escape
What is Real Obedience? My Folly – My Search for Legacy, for My Own Glory
In the night, my sickness persists. I try to stay warm - to preserve my life - but somehow, I end up uncovered and cold in the morning, and I feel the weakening of my body. Why Lord? Why do you not protect me?
Then I understood that…
How to Live in Obedience to God
We hear a lot about obedience in the churches. Obedience is, of course, an important thing. As God said, "I desire obedience rather than sacrifice" (1 Samuel 15:22). But what is real obedience? Many who speak frequently of obedience are constantly falling short of the very standards they espouse. We are all grossly unaware of just how short we fall!
Do you Know How to Move Mountains?
Why does God seem to move mountains for some but not others? It is because we don’t understand that the kingdom of God is not about our agendas but God’s.
How to Not Be a Hypocrite
If the truth is told, we are pretty much all hypocrites. Jesus has shown us how to be free of it, even authentically righteous.
Are You Stuck? Sick and Tired of Trying to “Just Let Go”?
"I just have to let go." I so often hear Christians use this phrase. It is the specification of what they think is holding them back in their Christian life. It seems, however, that those who voice this idea never move on from that place. Is it a helpful mindset, or is it possible that it represents a belief system that is keeping them stuck?
Cross-Based Living – A Better Way
“For the word of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God.” (1 Cor. 1:18) We would be wise to consider deeply the meaning of this statement. It is the central and most important message of the New Testament.