There are answers that really work. We must find these solutions through Christ for them to be authentic, sustainable, and come from the inside out.

A side view of the face of a roaring female lion
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He Makes Foolish the Wisdom of the World

Can I trust my own judgement? Am I adequate to search my own heart? Are we not able to effectively deceive ourselves by “suppressing the truth in unrighteousness?” (Romans 1:18, NASB).
Image by Ben Burton from Pixabay
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A Warning; An Open Letter to World Christian Leaders!

Dear Church World Leaders, Missionary Outreach Leaders, and Ministries to the Persecuted Church, Urgent action is needed to address the Christian Counseling Movement within the Evangelical Churches, a trend that is eroding the power of the…

Do You Want to Have Faith that Moves Mountains?

God has opened the doors for every believer to accomplish amazing things. Do you want to fulfill the full promise of God in your life? Read on!
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Uncovering the Mystery of Faith

Jesus is definitely revealing something about how to accomplish the "impossible." I would think, oh, if I only had this great faith of which He speaks! How do we find great faith?
Demonstration of the uneasy alliance between psychology and Christianity, A Ram and a dog, face to face
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Is there a Conflict Between Christianity and Modern Psychology?

Many Christian leaders and counselors would say there is not. I beg to differ. In many respects, the theories of psychology and the gospel's message operate from irreconcilable paradigms.
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Are You Stuck? Sick and Tired of Trying to “Just Let Go”?

"I just have to let go." I so often hear Christians use this phrase. It is the specification of what they think is holding them back in their Christian life. It seems, however, that those who voice this idea never move on from that place. Is it a helpful mindset, or is it possible that it represents a belief system that is keeping them stuck?