How to Come to Terms with Incurable Wound to the Soul
What is an “Incurable Wound?” It is some loss or betrayal that is so deep it can never be repaired. The damage goes to the core of the self and has so profoundly changed one’s life that there is no going back from its impact or influence. How do we then come to terms with such a wound?
Thinking of Suicide? Stop! There is a Better Way Out! Part 2
Thinking of Suicide? Stop! There is a Better Way Out! Part 1
Would You Like to Be Clothed in Splendor?
His garments are glorious. Not only are these garments ours in heaven forevermore, but they begin to cover us today, here on earth, as a foretaste of His glory.
Do you Know How to Move Mountains?
Why does God seem to move mountains for some but not others? It is because we don’t understand that the kingdom of God is not about our agendas but God’s.
How to Not Be a Hypocrite
If the truth is told, we are pretty much all hypocrites. Jesus has shown us how to be free of it, even authentically righteous.
Is there a Conflict Between Christianity and Modern Psychology?
Many Christian leaders and counselors would say there is not. I beg to differ. In many respects, the theories of psychology and the gospel's message operate from irreconcilable paradigms.
Are You Stuck? Sick and Tired of Trying to “Just Let Go”?
"I just have to let go." I so often hear Christians use this phrase. It is the specification of what they think is holding them back in their Christian life. It seems, however, that those who voice this idea never move on from that place. Is it a helpful mindset, or is it possible that it represents a belief system that is keeping them stuck?