Christianity Rediscovered Blog


Christianity – A Renewed Understanding

We are speaking about authentic Christianity. Not the Christianity as commonly conceived, merely of principles for living or even as a source of moral direction. Instead, we are talking about a Christianity that is alive with the very life that is in Christ.
The Cross standing before the Glorious Sunrise indicating that a better life comes by living through the Cross.

Cross-Based Living – A Better Way

“For the word of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God.” (1 Cor. 1:18) We would be wise to consider deeply the meaning of this statement. It is the central and most important message of the New Testament.
Marriage is about learning to love God's way
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God’s Paradoxical Way to Winning in Marriage

Marriage was meant to be a wonderful blessing. We will never realize that blessing without entering God's way of living in it!