This Devotional is for those that see a need for something deeper to address their personal and spiritual struggles. One might say it provides strong medicine for those that need it – but I believe we all need strong medicine.

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How to Come to Terms with Incurable Wound to the Soul

What is an “Incurable Wound?” It is some loss or betrayal that is so deep it can never be repaired. The damage goes to the core of the self and has so profoundly changed one’s life that there is no going back from its impact or influence. How do we then come to terms with such a wound?
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Would You Like to Be Clothed in Splendor?

His garments are glorious. Not only are these garments ours in heaven forevermore, but they begin to cover us today, here on earth, as a foretaste of His glory.

The Soldier who Lost His Glasses

One of my sons recently shared with me a story about a young soldier he met in Iraq. One of our sons, Jaime, was a Sergeant and platoon leader on a base in Iraq a number of years ago. Jaime would sometimes workout late in the evening and on…