“Yet I say to you that not even Solomon in all his glory clothed himself as one of these (lilies of the field), but if God so clothes the grasses of the field which are alive today and tomorrow is thrown into the furnace, will He not much more clothe you? You of little faith!” (Matt. 6:29-30)
Behold, my friends, the words of Christ, God’s only Son; Who alone has seen the Father; Who Himself is clothed in majesty. We worry about petty things. He wishes to clothe us with the garment with which He is clothed. He wishes to cover us with Himself, just as Boaz covered Ruth. We cling to things that are dying, whereas He is life.
I am really just describing my own tendency to worry about foolish things, cling to things that do not profit. I think we all do this. In our natural mind we cannot comprehend the reality that He is. This, however, does not change that reality, nor the reality of the incomprehensible graciousness with which He loves us. Apart from Him, we are unclean, naked and wretched. He wishes to cleanse us, cloth us and renew our lives with His glorious life daily. Do we seek Him? Do we take His words as spoken to us, so that we might believe?
Oh that we would be clothed with His glorious garments! Not only are these garments ours in heaven forevermore, but they are meant to cover us today, here on earth, as a foretaste of His glory. Why do these things often fail to become actualized in our lives daily?
We are blind and short-sighted. Our eyes are fixed on the things that we want, or imagine will bring us happiness and fulfillment. As a result, we inherit only the empty imaginings of our hearts. Instead of being clothed in Christ we remain in rags.
Let us run to Him who posesses all things and inherit His life, His promises daily. Instead of seeking our own pleasures or solutions to our distresses we can run to Him, fall at His feet and seek His kind and generous gifts.
Are we burdened with our wants and desires? Rather than just dismissing or pushing them aside, we have a wonderous alternative! We can bring them before Him for cleansing. If we wish to have Him provide us with cleansing, all that is required is that we continue in that waiting until He responds.
We fear that He has come to rob us. We fear because of the evil in our own hearts. We worry because others have lied to us so many times, and we believed them. Our trust is damaged. We fear that His plan for us is evil, a program that is meant to deprive us of life’s good things. This couldn’t be further from the truth.
Jesus said, “the thief comes only to steal, kill and destroy, but I have come that they may have life and have it abundantly. I am the good shepherd. The good shepherd lays His life down for the sheep” (Jn. 10:10-11).
John writes of that glory in His gospel account, letters, and book of Revelation. Ezekiel also described Him and the glory that surrounds Him. Our minds cannot comprehend it. It is seen through a glass darkly. Nevertheless, those that learn to abide in Him are beginning to touch and taste the Lord God Almighty, who will reign forever and ever.
But how do we find this beauty in Him? For me, when troubled by my own wants, I will usually just determine to sit with Him until He responds – no matter how long it takes. Jesus paid for our liberation, did He not? So, I will keep on presenting my distress to Him until He answers. It used to sometimes take all day, but I always ended with a cleansing of the wants that kept me bound to distress.
I am glad to say that it rarely takes anywhere near that long today. The result is that my burdens and troubles are lifted from me daily. I am no longer mastered by my wants and fears. Thus, I live with a clean conscience, joy and internal (psychological) liberty.
This is what He paid for on the cross and those who persist in waiting for Him based on His death alone, qualify. If you have received Christ, you also qualify!
All are invited – to come and drink from the waters from which they will “never thirst again” (Jn. 4:14). Come join Him, abide with Him. Just as He said to the disciples who asked of Him, “Master, where are you staying, ” and He answered them saying, “Come, and you will see.” (Jn. 1z;38-39). So also, He says to you, my friend, “Come and you will see!”
Do we think that the Apostles were amazing people because Jesus chose them? They were not extraordinary people except that they had a heart for God. The capacity to do these things came from feeding from the words and life of Christ for three solid years. And even more, it came from understanding how to live in fellowship with Him for the rest of their lives.
Their lives became so rich and strong from Him that they didn’t mind losing everything and suffering constant persecutions, deprivations, and hardships. The result was that they “turned the world upside down.” Imagine, dear friends, what it would be like to have Him manifest in you! You also will turn the world upside down!
“Remember he will clothe us with Himself when we feel inadequate. We must only determine to hope only in the sufficiency of Christ’s atonement. We remain the apple of His eye even when we are aware of how terribly flawed we are!
Remember, He invites us to come to Him. Persist in waiting for His daily cleansing us from whatever is in control of us. He knows we do not have the power to cleanse ourselves. He will not leave us unrestored. He died for our daily liberation.
Again, He invites us to “Come and see” where He dwells. In the light, in liberty; clothed in splendor!
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